The Media Buyer Webinar

​​Scaling Ads with Benchmarks with Nehal Kazim

Autumn Morgan
August 9, 2023

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving landscape, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. In our weekly Media Buyer Webinar, we had the privilege of hosting a seasoned digital marketing expert, Nehal Kazim, as he shared his insights and strategies on how to tackle the challenges posed by iOS 14 updates and maximize campaign performance.

In the episode, we cover an innovative way of setting 1-day benchmarks using Northbeam.

Let’s dive in.

The iOS 14 Challenge

When iOS 14 changes hit the digital marketing landscape, many businesses faced a downturn. During our Media Buyer Webinar, Nehal shared how this period led him to discover Northbeam, a platform that could provide the insights needed to make sense of data during turbulent times. Northbeam became instrumental in scaling campaigns profitably and boosting confidence in decision-making.

The Five Stages of Benchmarking

During our Media Buyer Webinar, Nehal introduced the five stages of benchmarking, a method that revolutionized his approach to digital marketing. These stages allow businesses to set objective targets, measure performance accurately, and achieve scalable growth across multiple channels. The stages are as follows:

  • Business-Wide Benchmarks: Setting profitability targets for the entire business.
  • First-Time Customer Acquisition Benchmarks: Determining profitability targets for new customers.
  • Cash vs. Accrual Benchmarks: Analyzing performance on cash and accrual bases for a holistic view.
  • Channel-Specific Benchmarks: Defining specific benchmarks for each advertising platform.
  • Additional Complexity Considerations: Adapting benchmarks based on specific business characteristics.

Putting Benchmarking into Practice

Nehal emphasized the importance of using Northbeam's attribution map to track performance accurately. This map provides day-one benchmarks for each ad channel, helping marketers objectively assess campaign success and make data-driven decisions.

Flexibility and Experimentation

Whether you're spending a modest amount or millions in ad spend, benchmarking provides a common language for the entire team to communicate effectively during our Media Buyer Webinar. It allows you to identify issues, tweak strategies, and experiment with various creatives and channels to achieve optimal results.

Transform your Campaign’s Success

Nehal's insights shared in our Media Buyer Webinar on benchmarking reveal an innovative approach to digital marketing that can transform your campaign's success. By adopting objective benchmarks, you can navigate through the challenges brought about by iOS 14 updates and other changes in the digital landscape. If you're hungry for more game-changing insights, don't miss the full episode of our Media Buyer Webinar on our YouTube channel. Tune in to learn how to enhance your decision-making process, boost profitability, and scale your campaigns effectively.


You can find the deck, the SOP, and the template Nehal shared here:

The Deck


The Template

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